
Jamiyah Kindergarten

29 Aug 2022

Kind Caring Kids, 2022

The children from Jamiyah Kindergarten have launched 2022, Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) presidential challenge project with the theme, “Kind Caring Kids”. 

During the launching party, children listened to kindness songs with movements and were introduced to the storybook, “Cubbies at the park” to promote kindness and good manners in a fun way.

We used the resources received from Singapore Kindness Movement to instill the moral principles namely love, respect and appreciation to their loved ones. All the children from pre-Nursery to kindergarten were involved in this project. 

The process of implementation comprises of activities that could promote their social skills and showing kindness to their peers, teachers, family members and other people in the community. 

As such, children created thank you cards for their family members using scratch art techniques and expressed their love and respect through creative writing. They were also engaged in pretend plays and puppet shows to act out scenarios that could promote kindness. Finally, K1 and K2 children were given opportunities to discuss among their peers to reflect their understanding through journals and illustrations.

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