Shirlee Lim

EtonHouse Preschool 223 @ Mountbatten

Shirlee Lim
22 Aug 2019

K2 Violet Terrarium For A Good Cause

K2 Violet learnt how to create a terrarium and documented the steps for the terrarium booth for Earth Day.

We began with exploring the meaning of terrarium and how it is a miniature ecosystem in itself.

The children showed interest in “Water Cycle” when we read the definition of terrarium.

Water vapour is invisible. You can’t see it. Wayne

Does it go around and around and around? Oliver

Later in the day, we continued to think about the idea of water cycle. Why is it called water cycle?

Because it goes round. Jordan

It sounds like circle. Asher

I have a song about cycle……. (After singing it once, Tessa then thought of another idea.) If we sing it again and again and again it is like a cycle. Tessa

The children observed a terrarium and made observational drawings to detail the parts of a terrarium. We collected recycled glass jars for the terrarium booth. They then applied their understanding to make terrariums during Earth Day.

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