Shirlee Lim

EtonHouse Preschool 223 @ Mountbatten

Shirlee Lim
22 Aug 2019

K2 Lavender Exploring Terrariums

Our Earth Day Carnival is coming up next Thursday, 18 April 2019 from 9.15 to 10.30am and we look forward to a day filled with up-cycling and recycling projects and game stations around the school.

As a lead up to our Terrarium Making booth on the event day and our Start Small Dream Big Project, friends participated excitedly in the makings of our Terrarium. We talked about the materials needed and the process.

What would we need to make our terrarium?

Arjun: A jar!

Anya: Some soil!

Hayden: Rocks? (gravel)

Isaac: Charcoal! We need charcoal!

Sara: We need to water it.

Dylan: The plant!

After collecting our materials from the Log Garden at the playground, we made our way back to class and embarked on our Terrarium making experience.

With our knowledge on the process of how to make a terrarium, we will be working on posters and signs with instructions. These will be proudly displayed at the cafe on the day of the event so that our school mates and families can follow and make their own Terrarium!

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