Chen Feng Jiao Elena

MY World @ Yishun Palm Breeze

Chen Feng Jiao Elena
10 Oct 2020

How to show Our appreciations to the healthcare workers.

The children discussed and shared their ideas and thoughts about how to show their appreciations to our Healthcare workers. They said that: 

  1. “ Buy the pancakes from McDonald and give them to eat.”

  2. “Give them flowers and presents.”

  3. “ Bake a cake for them.” 

  4. “Say thank you to them”

  5. “ Sing and dance for them to make them happy.”

  6. “Write a letter and thank you card.” 

There was a child in class shared that his auntie is the nurse, and he gave his auntie a big hug when the mom brought him to visit auntie. 

After discussion, they wrote a letter to the healthcare workers to show their appreciations. 

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