Karlene Rodriguez

Skool4Kidz @ Anchorvale Crescent Blk 336A/B

Karlene Rodriguez
19 Nov 2020

How are you feeling today?

During this activity, the K1 children were able to share about their feelings. They were shown the different emoticon sticks and they had to identify the different emotions that the picture shows. Afterwards, they were also asked to pick how they were feeling that day and why. Most of the children were feeling excited, some feeling bored, some feeling angry. During the sharing activity, the teacher emphasised the value of being kind and having empathy. The importance of listening when others are talking and not laughing or teasing when someone shares how they feel and when someone makes a mistake. 

After the sharing activity, children were asked to think of how they can encourage their peers to feel better or how they can help their peers. 

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.

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