Sheila Phang

Young Minds Childcare (CC)

Sheila Phang
13 May 2022


Growth is the evidence of life -John Henry Newman

The theme of this year’s SSDB movement is “Our Family, our Community” and our Centre’s SSDB project is “Growth with Life” . This year, our school focuses on recycling and finding ways to help the community as well as giving back to the people who were a big part of our lives. We launched this project with the Nursery children where they made a colourful banner with the children’s handprints. They also made a paper collage with recycled newspaper and coloured paper to decorate the picture of the family members as part of the community and shared in class the activities they did with their family.

Moving on, Kindergarten 1 class created a banner where they displayed a tree with leaves shaped in hearts. The children drew their wonderful experiences visiting the garden as well as the different plants they found in the garden. The children arranged the hearts with their drawings and made them into leaves of the trees depicting the growth of the children as well as how they can embark on our new project about recycling and giving back to the community.

As for the Kindergarten 2, the children ventured and discovered things they can recycle as well as the things that are considered non - recyclable. The children also asked for their parent’s help and gathered some recycled materials they can find at home and brought them to school to practice proper disposal of recyclable materials. The children were enlightened and eager to learn more things about recycling in school as well as practice recycling in school. The children made a beautiful banner that focuses on recycling and they can’t wait to make some awesome items from recyclable materials.

Watch out for our next update as we made beautiful artworks out of recycled materials.😊

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