Ellen Joy Villa

Little Olive Tree (Ghim Moh)

Ellen Joy Villa
26 May 2023

Creation C.A.R.E. Project Launch

Our centre collaborated with the Mandai Wildlife Group on a project called “Creation C.A.R.E: Orangutan and its Rainforest Friends.” The aim of the project was to educate children about orangutans and other rainforest animals while raising awareness about the importance of conservation and protecting their habitats.

The project was launched through storytelling sessions using the book “There’s a Rangtan in my Bedroom.” This book highlighted the issue of orangutans losing their homes due to human activities such as deforestation. Through the engaging story, children were able to understand the challenges faced by these animals and the importance of taking action to protect them.

To further involve the children and their families, a letter was sent out to parents requesting them to contribute recyclable materials. These materials were then used in a sculpture-making activity, allowing children to express their creativity while also promoting the idea of recycling and repurposing materials. The resulting sculptures were later showcased at One Punggol, providing a platform for the community to appreciate the children’s artwork and learn more about the conservation efforts.

The project aimed to foster a sense of responsibility and empathy in the children, encouraging them to become advocates for wildlife conservation. By actively involving the community and raising awareness about the importance of protecting orangutans and their rainforest friends, the project aimed to inspire positive change and promote a more sustainable future.

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