Trivien Tang

MapleBear Learning Garden Pte Ltd

Trivien Tang
15 Oct 2021

CommUNITY Starts With Me! (SSDB Finale)

Maplebear Rochester’s SSDB photo gallery was set up along the corridors of the school. Artworks and photographs of the children doing activities over the past 6 months were displayed. We made sure to put up the items at children’s eye level to reinforce that they are valued members of the classroom space. The pledge cards that children had written during the SSDB launch were also put up. 

The children were then invited to take a stroll down the photo gallery to revisit meaningful moments and experiences. One of the reason that we have decided to wrap up the project this way because photographs are fantastic tools that supports a sense of belonging and learning. It was indeed a great way! The photographs had created a natural opportunity for children to talk about their experiences through photographs. They even shared about their favourite activity. The teachers were there to only facilitate the conversation and assist the children in their reflection.

During the photo gallery visit, we even overheard some remarks made by the kids! One of children said that he remembered what he wrote on the pledge card. Another child pointed to a photo and replied that they had did their part to help the community. One more child added that they should continue to keep up with the pledge that they have made even after the project! After hearing it, it really allows us teachers to feel that this project was a fruitful one. The children had met the objectives of Start Small, Dream Big too - to use own resources and creativity to give back to society, and in the process, instil the spirit of giving and good values such as care for others, humility, kindness and compassion.

To conclude, the children put their hand prints as a promise that they will continue contribute to society in their own small ways, with guidance from their parents.

It’s finally the end of the Start Small Dream Big project 2021! What an exciting and amazing time we have all had, despite the pandemic challenges. We are grateful for our parents, family members, teachers and community partners for coming together to support children’s efforts in giving back to the community! Thank you for all your hard work and efforts in making this drive a success! 💕

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