Jaslene Peh Hai May

Lakeside (LA)

Jaslene Peh Hai May
5 May 2021

2021 SSDB Launch Party and Introduction @ Pat's Schoolhouse (Lakeside)

Pat’s Schoolhouse (Lakeside) had our SSDB launch party on Earth Day, 22nd April 2021. Our Kindergarten children recapped about what they have done last year before the sharing of this year’s project titled ‘Go Green, Save the Earth’. Children learnt about the importance of taking care of our environment through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and sang along with a song that introduces the 3Rs. 

We had also arranged for a Virtual Live session on Sustainable Singapore Gallery e-School programme on Monday, 3rd May 2021. With this session, children had a live gallery walkabout and completed a trivia quiz with questions related to building a sustainable Singapore. Green lifestyle videos as well as sustainability and upcycling workshops were also introduced and will be used in our follow-up sessions! 

Look forward to more photos coming up soon!

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