SSDB Launch Party 2024 My First Skool at Blk 235 Bukit Panjang Ring Road are thrilled to be focusing on various aspects for the community! Our children from N2, K1, and K2 take part in our SSDB ...
Fostering Intergenerational Bonding Through Act of Kindness At E-Bridge Preschool Sumang Lane, we believe in nurturing compassionate young hearts through meaningful community engagements. Recently, our Nursery 2 (N2) and Kindergarten 1 ...
SSDB Launch Party 2024: Together, we can make a difference! This year, we have collaborated with three community partners such as the Singapore Kindness Movement, Singapore Red Cross Society, and Preschool Market. Together, we have ...
SSDB Launch Party 2024 ‘Caring for Elderly and the Environment’ Our centre launched the SSDB event for 2024. With the theme “Caring for Elderly and the Environment”, the children were exposed to caring for environment and the seniors. We ...
SSDB 2024: What is Stroke? The K2s learned about Stroke and what happens to our body when a stroke happens! All of us learned the FAST song, which teaches us the symptoms of stroke and what we need to ...
SSDB 2024: Frank The Face Guess My Face Game:K2 children took turns to come to the front to show different expressions. They then guessed if the expression was an emotion or a symptom of stroke.Through ...
SSDB Launch Party 2024 We are thrilled to kick off our SSDB project for 2024, “Everyone Can Be FAST Heroes!” Our N2 - K2 children came dressed in superhero costumes, eagerly ready to embark on their ...
Together, we can make a difference! On 23 April 2024, we kicked off the SSDB project with a launch party. Children from N2 to K1 were actively engaged in the event. They were briefed on the objectives of SSDB ...
'WE CARE' - Getting to Know You! It was our first visit to the Aging Centre! The Kindergarteners were so excited to meet and get-to-know the elderlies better. Prior to the visit, the children have decided...
SSDB Launch Party 2024 : From Our Hearts to Lions Home SSDB celebrates its 10th Year Anniversary this year with the theme of Doing Good Together Celebrating 10 yrs of Start Small Dream BigIYAD Perdaus Hougang had their SSDB Launch ...
Finale part 1 : BARTER TRADE! Plant for a cause Our little gardeners’ road to becoming givers!Keep an eye out for the next update on our community partner’s donation drive!Thank you very much!
主题养老护理员《关怀老人》 通过本次活动,幼儿将通过亲手制作生日蛋糕来培养对家中老人的关心与关爱,同时了解养老护理员的职业性质和工作内容,认识到其在社会中的重要性。活动旨在让幼儿明白关怀老人的重要性,并在手工制作过程中学习装饰技巧,使用颜色和不同材料来表达蛋糕的多样口味和风格。通过观察和接触,幼儿将增强对老年人身体状况的认识,并在为奶奶按摩等互动活动中实践关怀行为,体验服务他人的...