SSDB Red Cross Junior - Collection of in-kind donations #ssdb2024 In collaboration with RCJ, our K2 Cherians collect in-kind donations from our community members and help support local people in needs. We collected all sorts of donations ...
PCF Sparkletots Preschool @Nanyang Blk 934 KN SSDB Project launch, Doing good together : Thoughtful helping hands . We are excited to launch the Start Small, Dream Big (SSDB) project on the 23rd May 2024.Our N2 and K1 children (PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Nanyang Blk 934(KN)) had a launch ...
We Care We Share Cheston Montessori Start Small Dream Big 2024 - We Care, We Share was launched on 26 April 2024.We would like to express a big Thank You to all our parents who have shown us ...
LOSH KE08 - Kidstart (crafts & storytelling) We received our resources from our charity of choice, KIDSTART. The children enjoyed the book and did an extended art activity. They had fun making the characters like the ...
SSDB Launch Party: "Caring to our Elderly" The N2 and K1 children had a fantastic SSDB Launch Party last 16th May 2024. They had a blast and gained a deeper understanding of the SSDB project, showcasing their empathy ...
Families for Life - Love In the month of May, the children learnt about how we can show “Love” to our family members. The first week - The children made flowers for their parents to show their love on ...
'WE CARE' - ALORA CHILDCARE and INFANT CARE PRESCHOOL CENTRE We are thrilled to launch our SSDB project titled ‘WE CARE’ as we focused on the elderlies in the community. This unique and groundbreaking project aims to bridge the ...
PCF Sparkletots HGDS328 SSDB launch-teatime with grandparents! Exciting Launch of Start Small Dream Big Project!We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Start Small Dream Big project, aimed at making a meaningful difference in the ...
SSDB Launch “ The Act of Love Begins with Care” In May, the young learners at M.Y World Preschool @ Canberra Eastlink eagerly began their Start Small, Dream Big initiative. To kick off this remarkable journey, we encouraged ...
Little Footprints Preschool Tampines Blk 372; Unboxing of SSDB resources. It’s that time of year again! The children are filled with excitement as we unbox the SSDB resources. We’re grateful for resources like hats, SKM books, and more. We’re eager ...
SSDB LAUNCH PARTY- A DAY TO BE REMEMBERED PCF SPARKLETOTS @ CANBERRA 337 “ We are all in this together” Launch.With great plans on hand, we had proudly launched our Start Small Dream Big Project for year 2024. Our ...
SSDB 2024: Upcycling for the Future Our launch for SSDB started with a bang and all the children gathered to learn more about this year’s project. We had a short recap on what we did this year and continued by ...