My First Skool @85 Whampoa Drive - Helping Hands Caring Hearts Children from My First Skool @ 85 whampoa drive embarked on a Start Small Dream Big journey from April to August. We have collated our experiences for each month. My First ...
SSDB 2023- The Launch Party On the 19th of April, approximately 198 children from all the levels, PG to K2 at M.Y World @ Marsiling Greenview (MGV) had a virtual session to launch the start of the Start ...
SSDB 2023- Parents' Day 4-6 We were excited to hold our first Parent’s Day Celebration in person this year after the pandemic and the centre had invited all the parents to be part of it! Parents’ Day is ...
SSDB 2023- Chinese Parents- Child Workshop On 15th June 2023, the Parents and children from N1 to K2 had been embarked actively in the Chinese Parents- Child Workshop on “ Learning Chinese with Joy”. It is i...
SSDB 2023- Happy Father's Day cum Parents' Day In conjunction of the Father’s Day and Parents’ Day celebrations in M.Y World@ Marsiling Greenview, the children were making some gifts for their loving parents by utilising ...
SSDB 2023- Parents' Day 0-3 We were excited to hold our first Parent’s Day Celebration in person this year after the pandemic and the centre had invited all the parents to be part of it!Parents’ Day is a ...
Home-School Connection - Keeping our house clean! Children shared with their parents what they have done to keep their environment clean and green. They also shared with their parents why it is also important to keep their ...
SPD Therapists Visited Us! We had an amazing Career Day earlier this year! As our Career Day’s theme was focusing on Caring for the Community, we invited therapists from SPD (Serving People with ...
DADs for Life - Breakfast with Dads (SSDB 2023) This year, in conjunction with the theme ‘Bonding with Dads’ for the ‘Start Small Dream Big 2023’ campaign, teachers and children from PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ AH632 have ...
Bracelet Making for Mummy and Grandmother! Teacher conducted a pre-talk with the children on how they could show appreciation and gratitude to their parents and grandparents. Children shared that they could make a ...
Caring for all through kindness - The Incredible Family Day Carnival 2023 We organised the most Incredible Family Day Carnival on 30th June 2023. We gave back to the community by collaborating with several community partners such as Xin Yuan ...
SSDB: Caring for our Family & Friends - Family and Me! Check out our MOE Kindergarten @ Frontier children in action!