The Big Reveal! The children were eagerly waiting to the unboxing of the SSDB Resource Package. Their excitement grew as the box revealed the items they will receive such as masks, hats, ...
Be Earth Friendly! Children at MFS @ Blk 140 Serangoon North have been progressively acquiring knowledge on sustainability and water conservation. The children practiced water conservation ...
Water Conservation @ Ulu Pandan Blk 15 2021 has yet been another challenging year for all of us. With the pandemic still around us, we should not forget about the resources that we get on this Earth. A simple ...
A Pledge to Save Water After a discussion on how water can be saved, the children were given some time to think about what can they do on their part to save water. Some of them said they can use ...
Launch of our SSDB Project - Water Matters For this year’s SSDB project, we have chosen the topic on Water Conservation. The Nursery 2 children will have the opportunity to learn more about water and it’s sources, as ...
World Water Day and Start Small Dream Big In the month of March, we celebrated the “World Water Day”. The children learnt the importance of saving water and its importance to the living things. They also showed care ...
Start Small Dream Dream 2021: Every Drop Counts This year, we chose the topic “Every drop counts”. All the children and staff were decked in blue to launch The Start Small Dream Big project at Sunflower Preschool @ Pasir ...
Be Earth Friendly! Water Conservation! SSDB Launch 2021 We proudly announce that we launched our Start Small Dream Big project at My First Skool @ Blk 140 Serangoon North on 28th April 2021 with Nursery, K1 and K2 children.Our K1 ...
EARTH DAY Children found out about effects of different pollutions to Earth.Saving our water resources. Children brainstorming on how they can help to reduce water wastage.
Caring for less fortunate 2021 SSDB launch party cum Earth Day!Pariposa Preschool raised 2000KG of rice donation for the Willing Hearts organization.Willing Hearts is a secular, non-affiliated ...
OUR EARTH, OUR HOME This year, we join our children in their quest to restore and protect our Earth, our Home.Though they may be young and small, but their efforts will change their lives and ...
Let’s observe the Water Conservation Posters! Children were asked to observe the posters and talk about their thoughts and feelings on what is portrayed on the posters. Children were intrigued by the designs and it ...