SSDB launch party 2021 On 29 April 2021, Due to the current COvid situation, our centre - MY World @Yishun PalmBreeze had the SSDB launch in cohorts. The Nursery 1 and Kindergarten 1 gathered ...
Kindness in Action @ Sunflower Preschool @ Bedok Central Our Start Small Dream Big project this year is entitled ‘Kindness in Action’. Our theme focuses on the concept of kindness in the community, zooming in particularly on people ...
SSDB Launch Party 2021 Held on 28 April 2021, with the theme CHANGING LIVES WITH CARING HEARTS, the children showcased a performance with the song title “We Can Help”. They brought and displayed ...
A journey of spreading kindness Take a look to our wonderful adventure as we spread our wings of kindness at home, in school and in the community. 🦋
2021 Launch Party: There's no quarantine on kindness, let's stay connected. Our Nursery 2 children shared their ideas on how they can show love, care and kindness while keeping safe distancing.
The Launch: Care & Respect for Our Elderly We were very excited to launch our ‘Care & Respect for Our Elderly Project’. Even our Playgroup children wanted to join in too!Our K1, N2, N1 & PG launched the project ...
Start Small Dream Big Virtual Launch Party 2021 "Healthy Heart, Healthy Body and Healthy Mind" Stay Connected, Make A DifferenceOn the 12th of April 2021 our school held its Start Small Dream Big Virtual launch party. Parents, children, teachers are invited to the ...
Our Start Small Dream Big Journey 2015-present "Healthy Heart, Health Body and Healthy Mind" (SSDB Launch Party-Project Reveal 2021) Our centre has been active to all the Start Small Dream Big since 2015. We have been involved to a lot of community projects and charitable works.> This year 2021, may ...
Celebrating CNY with an inter generational Connection - AMK Renci This year children from PCF Sparkletots Preschool@Blk 622C Punggol collaborated with our SSDB Project community partner Ren Ci Nursing Home to reach out to the elderlies ...
Building Bridges, Closing the Gap: Connecting with our Ah Gong’s and Ah Mah’s Amidst the Pandemic cum SSDB Finale Staff from Comnet Senior Activity Centre warmly received the “Thank You” poster made by the children for the successful collaboration with the centre.Our Ah Gong’s and Ah ...
KU326 “Shine Bright With Kindness”: #6 - Closing the project by shining bright with kindness :) To close the project, our centre principal and the teacher in-charge, headed down to the SparkleCare Centre @ Changi Simei once more to hand over a token of appreciation for ...