Old yet Not Forgotten (Recycling Clothes) With our aim to help in reducing waste, the children came up with an idea to use the old clothes in making something useful. They gathered old clothes and decided to make a ...
Save Water. Save the Ocean. Save the Animals. Throughout our learning journey about how we conserve and how we obtain water and how it is also important for animals, we also learnt about Water Pollution and its impact to ...
REDUCE.REUSE.RECYCLE CREATIVE MINDS WITH A CARING HEART*Children creating crafts out of recycable materials such as egg trays, bottle caps, plastic straws, plastic forks, tissue core rolls and ...
The Green Ranger: The Power To Reduce by PCF Sparkletots@Woodgrove 364 Update: With our official launch of the SSDB project, our children of each level took turns to visit the exhibition. Let’s take a look at their responses!Want to become a ...
Our very own mosquito repellents! After learning about the dangers of dengue mosquitoes and the importance of the Mozzie Whipeout during the centre’s SSDB launch, children from our K1 and K2 classes learned ...
PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Radin Mas Blk 18 (DS) - SSDB 2020 Launch The theme for our centre’s SSDB project this year is “With Big Hearts, We Care For Our Home, Singapore!”Children and teachers from all the classes came together online through ...
S4K TPGF SSDB: Say No to Dengue With the rise of dengue cases in Singapore, children from PG to K2 were taught on the dangers of dengue mosquitoes and it’s syptoms. Stay tune for their home-made mosquito ...
Kindness during Covid-19 During covid-19, our little angels decided to shed some light and hope with little acts of kindness.At the initial stages of the pandemic, the teachers discussed with the ...
The Green Ranger: The Power To Reduce by PCF Sparkletots@Woodgrove 364 PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Woodgrove BLK 364 has launched its new SSDB project! Taking on The Power To Reduce, we introduce our new mascot, The Green Ranger to inspire the ...
I know, I can, I will... (SSDB 2020) I know how to reduce!I can reuse! I will recycle! PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Gambas Blk 446 have collaborated with SembCorp and NEA to introduce and expose K1 children about ...
Water for you, me and the world! Ocean bottle activity and pond water lesson. We, the Kindergarten 1 class of Carpe Diem Childcare Resort, are learning about water pollution and its effect on the animals.First, our teacher invited us to recreate the ...