Green Guardians - Completion of Green Quest! 👏🏼 Our N2s, K1s and K2s children had completed their Green Quest within a month of participating in various activities that involves sustainability, biodiversity and ...
Closing Ceremony- SSDB cum Young Entrepreneur project at Little Footprints Preschool @ BP Our ‘Start Small Dream Big’ (SSDB) Closing event was successfully held on 28th September 2023. Throughout this project, the children actively participated by bringing ...
Green Guardians: Growing mung bean sprouts! 🌱 Growing your own food is good for the Earth because less energy is needed to get it to your plate!Our N2’s children grow mung bean sprouts with their family and enjoy having ...
Visit to St. Luke's Eldercare We visited the elderlies at St. Luke’s Eldercare @ Tampines Changkat. We mingled and interacted with the elderly and taught them this year’s National Day dance. We presented ...
SSDB Launch Day 2023 We kicked off our launch day by going outdoors and finding materials around our environment.
SSDB Launch Day 2023 We kicked off our launch day by going outdoors and finding materials around our environment.
Green Guardians Challenge We partnered with Gardens By the Bay to take part in their Green Guardians Challenge.In this challenge, we will embark on a series of Green Quest which is an activity grid ...
Recycling and Planting, Ways to Show Our Care for the Environment One of the ways the children of PCF Sparkletots Preschool @MacPherson Blk 54 to show care for the environment is by planting seeds. This initiative was carried out by ...
Visit to St. Luke's Eldercare We partnered with Gardens By the Bay to take part in their Green Guardians Challenge.In this challenge, we will embark on a series of Green Quest which is an activity grid ...
争做地球卫士,传递环保梦想 当孩子们在大自然中探索的同时,也培养了环保意识,成为地球的小英雄的过程是非常有意义的。这次探索之旅不仅仅是一次有趣的户外活动,还是培养小创新者们成为地球的小英雄的重要一步。孩子们亲身经历了大自然的美丽和神奇,这让他们更加珍惜地球的资源和环境。他们了解到,地球是我们共同的家园,需要我们共同努力来保护。在探索过程中,孩子们看到了回收艺术家创造的雕像,这让他...
SSDB 2023: “A Healthy Ocean Starts With Me!” The K1 children has started their ‘Start Small, Dream Big’ project for this year with the main theme ‘A Healthy Ocean Starts With Me!’. We launched this project by watching ...
Eshkol Valley@PPCC 2023 SSDB Learning Story #7 - One People, One Nation, One Singapore ... A Call to Ocean Action : Save the Ocean Family Carnival As a birthday gift to celebrate our nation’s 58th birthday, we specially presented our 2023 Start Small Dream Big closing event - Save the Ocean Family Carnival to our ...