Tamayo Gemma Dabucol

(Inactive) PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Mountbatten Blk 51 (kn)

Tamayo Gemma Dabucol
11 Aug 2020

Start Small Dream Big: Caring for the Nurses (NUH) from PCF Mountbatten @Blk 51

While appreciation is important all year round, this time of year is the perfect time to express our appreciation to the people dedicating their lives to put up a good fight against the pandemic.

Our project is about caring for the health care workers during these trying times. As we embark on this project, we discussed COVID-19 and the importance of the health care workers in maintaining the well-being of the community. The children learned much about proper hygiene in order to keep themselves and their families safe and to prevent the virus from spreading.

We also talked about the people who served as the frontliners during this pandemic and as appreciation for them, the children thought about ways to give appreciation for their hard work. Hence, the children crafted flowers and drew an artwork to show our appreciation to the frontliners at the National University Hospital.

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