Nurul Aqila Binte Noor Khalid

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Canberra Blk 413 (CC)

Nurul Aqila Binte Noor Khalid
25 May 2023

Celebrating Kindness Day

In the month of May, our N2, K1, and K2 children celebrated Kindness Day and used the items we received from Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM).

We read a book titled, Mellie’s Marvellous Garden and danced to the song titled, Kindnesss Dance “Kindness it’s up to us”.

Listening to the story- Mellie’s Marvellous Garden

Dancing to the Kindness Dance “Kindness is up to us”

To show appreciation and love towards our family members, we created ‘Thank you’ cards.

Photo cards were provided by SKM

After completing the beautiful cards, our K1 and K2 children decided to create a ‘Kindness Tree’ to spread kind messages. Our cards were hung/pasted on the tree.

Our K2 children wanted to invite parents to write kind messages. Therefore, they prepared some materials.

Pasting their cards on the tree - K1

Cutting leaf templates to write kind messages - K2

Painting flowers for the tree - K2

Here’s the outcome of our trees. Aren’t they beautiful! Well done, children!

Family members were very touched by the lovely cards.

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